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Welcome to Harmonic Resonance Energy Enhancement  System

The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit, and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization.

Immerse yourself in the revitalising energy of our 24 unit system.


Introducing the EE System

The EE System aids your body to heal itself with Scalar Energy and Biophotonics

Your well-being doesn't start outside your body but within your cells. Imagine cells as batteries with a optimal healthy charge between 70 to 90 millivolts, a lower cellular charge of 40 millivolts and below would see a weakened immune system - heading towards or already experiencing ill health. 20 millivolts and below would likely be cancer or other serios disease. The EE System helps recharge your cells to their optimal 70 to 90 millivolt range, enhancing vitality and strength and giving the body the energy to do what it already knows how to do - heal.

A word from the Inventor of the Energy Enhancement System, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael

Having taught holistic medicine for more than four decades, Dr. Michael’s research in applied integrative biophysics has earned prestigious recognition, such as the Presidential and International Who’s Who. She has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the World Summit on Integral Medicine, the Harvard Club, The Royal Society of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, the Scalar Research Experts Conference, anti-aging congresses, as well as numerous medical schools and ministries of health worldwide.

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Reported Benefits of the EE System
  • Pain relief

  • Mood elevation

  • Stress reduction

  • Increased energy

  • Improved sleep

  • Detoxification

  • Improved immune function

  • Improved circulation

  • Improved vision

  • Cell regeneration

  • Improved mental clarity

  • Faster injury recovery

  • Greater self awareness

  • improvement of skin conditions

Because the Energy Enhancement System gives the body good energy to utilise it is effective on a wide range of conditions. Please contact us with any enquiries about how EES could benefit you specifically.

The Energy Enhancement System available today, backed by over 20 years of clinical research from Stanford, Harvard, John’s Hopkins PhDs/MDs and utilised by NASA, top athletes, and personal development coaches like Tony Robbins.

How many hours do I need?

Our shortest session time is 2 hours and is great as a starting point for anyone wanting to try the Energy Enhancement System.


20 hours is a good base to increase cellular charge and is a good place to begin.


More serious issues need more time in the energy field, at 60 hours you should start to see improvements and at 100 hours scans and tests should show major changes. Those with serios or long standing conditions should contact us for advice on hours. 

Exposure to this energy is cumulative, the more time you spend in the field the more beneficial it can be. This can be over a period of time. 


Some people may benefit from integrating regular short visits into their regular health protocol.


Like any other tool for health, EE System is only part of your healing journey.  We highly recommend supporting your EE Sessions with a healthy diet, regular exercise and other healthy lifestyle choices. It is important to remember that your past lifestyle got you to where you are now and as part of the healing process changes may need to be made.

We are located at Crabtree Hall Business Centre, near Northallerton in North Yorkshire


We offer a free 3 hour Veteran Session on Sundays

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